dijous, 4 de febrer del 2010

City of Arts

It's almost three weeks that I am back home and still feel like I am losing my time here. However, I know I cannot leave yet so I am trying to enjoy my time here as much as I can.

Fortunately, Barcelona has a very rich and diverse cultural agenda that helps me get through this time in limbo. And fortunately again, my mom is an expert 'free-ticket finder' --she knows about every radio show or web site that offer promotional tickets, especially for the theater. Three weeks, three theater shows:

- Natale in Casa Cupiello, by Eduardo de Filippo. This play takes place in Naples, Italy, on a Christmas Eve --it was beautifully translated into Catalan and outstandingly played by the actors. I don't know if you, my friends, remember about my close relationship with Naples and its people... This play was a signal! I am going to Naples next weekend! Hurrah!

- American Buffalo, by David Mamet. Ooooh, my god! It was great! Sooooo American! Exactly what I needed...

- L'Auca del Senyor Esteve, by Santiago Rusiñol. A version of a Catalan classic... not bad... especially because I only payed 5 euros for it... It's a good play though, always fun to watch...

I also go to the movies from time to time, but haven't watched anything remarkable lately... And every Monday, my friends delight me with their music at the Limerick Pub --always great!

Besides my evening cultural events, my life here is calm and quiet --too quiet. I spend my time sleeping, swimming, practising yoga, making jewelery, going for walks... not bad, huh? Still --I'm bored. Think I'm gonna take a course on something --Photoshop? Web design? Gardening? I'll let you know!

Miss you all!

2 comentaris:

  1. Quan dius que Barcelona té una rica agenda cultural, vols dir una agenda cultural que et per a rics, oi?
    Ho dic perquè algunes coses interessants són de franc, però d'altres carísssssimes omplir.

  2. Sip, Josep, segurament tens raó, però tal com s'especifica al blog, tinc una super-mama que aconsegueix un MUNT d'entrades gratis o per 5€. Suposo que la moral de la història és que si vols, pots --potser no la data que vols, potser no aquell espectacle tan xulo, però poder, es pot! Mira't la web icatfm.cat o la de Catalunya Ràdio, ja veuràs!
    Igualment, estic d'acord amb tu --els preus regulars són prohibitius, especialment si no estàs segur al 100% que t'agradarà allò que vas a veure...
