diumenge, 17 de gener del 2010

Cheering up

Yes, my friends, it's been extremely difficult for me not to get stuck in the 'I hate this place' feeling, but enough is enough --I've got to cheer up and keep 'the traveler's attitude' even in my hometown!

One thing I forgot about my city is that we also have BEAUTIFUL sunsets here! The vision of a cloudy red sky always makes my day... and I had a lot of those in America!

Another good thing I found is that the new dumpsters I told you about are helping BCN go green --we had special recycling bins for glass, plastic and paper, but now they are fiercely encouraging the citizens to separate the organic trash from the regular trash. They gave every household a special bin for that, and my mom is so enthusiastic! She's going mad at me because I forget we have this new bin and always misplace the trash, poor lady... Well, enough of trash and dumpsters for now...

Today I was struck to discover that we have two new subway lines --we call it 'metro'. Ain't it AMAZING? Only a few stations of the two are working, and it's not that I will use them very often since they cover an area in the outskirts of the city, but still I was surprised to find them open only three months after I left --and I felt like a tourist checking the metro map!

So many new things to discover and old things to revisit! Keep tuned to find out!

3 comentaris:

  1. M'has recordat un exercici de fotografia, que consistia en mirar-se Barna com si fossis un viatger.
    Gràcies pels regalets i un petonàs.
    Et recomano un llibre. "Arbres de mongetes" de la Barbara Kingsolver. Jo te'l puc deixar original (The bean trees). És la història d'una noia que recull una nena índia i fa cap a Tucson, Arizona.

  2. Sí Kingsglover Barbra és un escriptor al sud-oest increïble. Vaig a estar a Tucson per un mes, a partir d'avui. M'encanta, senyoreta, i donar suport a tu! Em mantindré informats sobre la gira. En solidaritat, Rayanne.

  3. RAYANNE! WTF! It's SO COOL that you're writing in Catalan --thank you! Enjoy your time in Tucson and keep in touch, baby! Miss you all SOOOO much!
    And Glòria, yes, I'd love to read that book!
    Thank you, girls!
