dijous, 14 de gener del 2010

Home sweet home?

Hello everybody. The mission of this blog was to report my friends and family on my adventures abroad, so why not use it the other way around? Here's my first impression of my return back home: HELL!

The truth is we don't have any sense of 'service' whatsoever, and this, after three months in the most obliging country in the world, where customers are gods, is a pain in the ass. The nightmare I went through in the airports of London and Barcelona ruined what could have been the happy return of the prodigal daughter, but still, here I am!

After three months abroad, and within the few hours I've been here, I could only notice that the city hall has changed the dumpsters or trash containers --again! Here in Barcelona you can find them everywhere, because that's how we collect our trash --not within the buildings, as it is done in most American cities. Actually, it was about time, because the last ones they installed were all broken thanks to the 'hi-tech' system they used to empty them out. The new ones are pretty much alike as the old ones, only new. I'll tell you how they work as soon as I try, OK? And you'll get pictures very soon too!

Today I had to drive back to the airport to claim my lost luggage, so I could experience again how it feels like to drive here --another nightmare! There are motorcycles everywhere, crossing lanes and dodging the cars as if they were the masters of the road. Cab drivers are next on my own particular 'most hated' list of people, after motorcyclists... And THAT'S WHY I avoid driving in the city whenever possible --which is most of the time.

I was so late yesterday that couldn't go and see my friends that were waiting for me in 'our' bar, the ELECTRIC, so that's what I am going to do now. Hoping that my English is better written than spoken, I'll keep you informed of my adventures in this place I call home...


3 comentaris:

  1. Don't forget, my darling, about the newest "great" idea of our "beloved" Mayor and Town Goverment: to bid for the 2022 Winter Games!!! But then again, if Jamaica can have a Bobsleigh team, why not? These guys smoke dope before taking decisions, I'm sure...
    Què et sembla? Per no desentonar? Je, je.


  2. Gloria, you've got the point! Gràcies per no desentonar!
    Crosta --I told you you had to improve your English, I'm only helping!
    See you two in a while...
